
10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Legend of Zelda

The original Legend of Zelda is one of the most iconic and beloved video games ever made. It didn't invent the adventure genre (That was the appropriately titled Adventure), but it definitely perfected it. Yet, as famous as the game is it still has secrets that the average gamer may not be aware of. So cue up the treasure jingle and prepare to reveal some of those hidden rupees.

See also: Zelda at the Symphony is Truly Legendary

Link Was Based on Peter Pan: It's probably no surprise that Shigeru Miyamoto is a big fan of Disney films. The graphical limitations of the NES necessitated some creative solutions to making your sprites memorable, and pointed ears and a green hat were Miyamoto's choice for making Link unique. The idea reminded him of Disney's Peter Pan, and influenced aspects of the series from fairies to the Kokiri always being children.

Half of It was Supposed to Take Place in the Future: Have you ever wondered why Link is called that? The reason is that Zelda was supposed to take place in both the distant past and the distant future, and Link would be the "link" between them. The futuristic setting idea has never really been explored further, though there are sketches for A Link to the Past showing Princess Zelda in a more space-themed costume proving that the idea is still kicking around. This is somewhat ironic because...

It's One of the Last Games in the Series Chronologically: The exact history of the games was a subject of intense debate and speculation among fans for more than 20 years. Recently Nintendo released the Hyrule Historia which laid out the strange and branching possible histories that the games encompass. The odd thing is that the first game and its NES sequel are the last games in the known mythology. They actually do take place in the distant future, but only in a future where Link failed to defeat Ganon in Ocarina of Time. That means that the title that started it all was not only near the end of the story, it's also the least likely game to actually happen

Zelda Was Named for Zelda Fitzgerald: How exactly did a Japanese game designer end up naming his princess Zelda? According to Miyamoto, "Zelda was the name of the wife of the famous novelist Francis Scott Fitzgerald. She was a famous and beautiful woman from all accounts, and I liked the sound of her name. So I took the liberty of using her name for the very first Zelda title." That seems like a much better tribute than her husband gave her, which was to lift passages from her diaries for his novels, forbid her to publish the diaries lest his source dry up, and call her novel awful to destroy her confidence to publish another. Speaking of tributes...

Robin Williams Named His Daughter After Princess Zelda: In one of the most heart-warming and dad-centric video game commercials ever made, Robin Williams talks about naming his daughter after the legendary princess of Hyrule. Both father and daughter are fans of the series, and Robins has expressed interest in voicing Ganon should a movie ever get off the ground.

Piece continues on next page.

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Jef Rouner (not cis, he/him) is a contributing writer who covers politics, pop culture, social justice, video games, and online behavior. He is often a professional annoyance to the ignorant and hurtful.
Contact: Jef Rouner