—————————————————— Best Of Houston® 2020: Best Ice Cream | Houston Press

Best of Houston

Best Of Houston® 2020: Best Ice Cream

Climb the "Hill" or ("the Mountain").
Climb the "Hill" or ("the Mountain"). Photo by Kate McLean
Best Ice Cream: Nu Cafe

One on top of the next, paper-thin ribbons of Taiwanese snowflake ice layered high as the razor-sharp blade whirs against a frozen cylinder of coconut ice cream. While the ice cream itself, devoid of preservatives, carries genuine flavor, its remarkable texture is where this ordinary treat transcends status quo. “Hills” and “Mountains” are topped with sprinkles of ingredients or pureed swirls and it’s kind of amazing, given the thinness, how long it holds its shape before melting. As far as flavors go: chocolate, vanilla, sure, but avocado, taro, sea salt caramel, too. With snowflake ice at Nu Cafe, the melt-in-your-mouth experience has been redefined.

9889 Bellaire, Houston

Readers' Choice: Fat Cat Creamery
1901 North Shepherd, Houston
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