—————————————————— Best of Houston: Best Breakfast – Heights | Houston Press

Best of Houston

Best Of Houston® 2020: Best Breakfast – Heights

Anything on the menu will taste good on the bagels at Golden Bagel & Coffee.
Anything on the menu will taste good on the bagels at Golden Bagel & Coffee. Photo by Brooke Viggiano
Best Breakfast – Heights: Golden Bagel & Coffee

Move over breakfast tacos and kolaches, bagels are in the neighborhood now; and at this White Oak shop, they mean business. Here, New York-caliber bagels with a nice chew come freshly baked, toasted (upon request), and accompanied by things like house cured and smoked fish, pastrami egg scrambles, and cream cheese schmears in flavors from scallion dill to honey habanero (if you like heat and catch it on special, give it a try). Pair your bagel breakfast with fantastic coffees, as local guru Avi Katz of Katz Coffee is one of the names behind the concept.

3119 White Oak, Houston

Readers' Choice:
Snooze, an A.M. Eatery
Multiple Locations
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